We are always trying to improve our services. If you have any ideas, comments or
complaints, do tell us.
- If you have an immediate or urgent problem, then please speak to a member of Library
staff, so that we can try to put things right for you straight away.
- If you don’t need us to get back to you immediately, you can complete a form either
online or in print and we will reply to you within 10 working days of receipt.
- We will display a summary of comments received and our responses to them on library
notice boards.
- We will regularly review the issues raised by you and make use of them in planning
service changes and improvements.
- If you are not satisfied with how we dealt with your complaint, in the first instance
please contact the Director of Libraries and Learning Resources.
- If you are still unhappy with our response, you can use the NTU Complaints Procedure for Students. If you
are a member of NTU staff or are external to NTU, you should contact the Director of Libraries and Learning Resources.
Please note, we will not respond to vexatious or frivolous comments.