The Equality Act 2010 requires higher education institutions to set equality objectives at least every four years and publish those objectives in a way that is accessible to the public.

The University's current equality objectives, which will run until 2017-18, are as follows.

  • Understand the student academic experience for equality groups in order to enhance this experience where appropriate and possible. Focusing on application, to offer, acceptance, progression, achievement and employability. With specific attention given to progression and achievement for BME students, male students and BME male students.
  • Map the journey of staff equality groups from application through to appointment and throughout the employee experience. Focusing on developing an in-depth understanding of areas of apparent disadvantage and investigating possible causes and solutions.

These are institution-wide objectives which are closely aligned to the strategic aims of the University and which derive from analysis of existing equality information. Academic Schools and Professional Services across the University will all aim to contribute towards these objectives in a way that is relevant to their activities.

These current equality objectives are subject to review to ensure they remain current and relevant to the context of the University. This work has been scheduled to be undertaken and completed for the start of the 2018-19 academic year.