What is Children's University (CU)?
Children's University is a national scheme offering children aged 7-14 years an innovative programme of learning opportunities outside normal school hours. CU focuses on rewarding participation, raising aspirations and encouraging engagement with learning.
Who is Children's University for?
CU is open to 7-14 year olds, providing their school is part of the Children's University.
What type of activities does this involve?
CU involves a wide variety of activities that take place outside of the school day and which a child attends voluntarily. They go because they choose to. The activity must be a recognised CU Learning Destination.
Current activities include:
- CU clubs within CU schools which run before school, during lunchtime or after school
- visits to tourist attractions such as museums
- formal sports coaching activities
- participation in clubs and societies which might include music, drama and scout or guide groups.
Where can I find out more?
This is a good place to start as we update these pages with Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CU news and activities. You can also find out more on the national Children's University website.
Where can I get a Passport to Learning?
At your school. Passports are only available through Nottingham Trent University CU partner schools.
How much does it cost to join?
There is a small fee per Passport to Learning. Some CU learning destinations may also charge an admission fee. For more information please contact us.