
Find out more about NTU's Employability team. Get advice and information on work experience, jobs, events, applications and interviews.

How we can help you
NTU Employability are here to guide you through your NTU journey and beyond, supporting your personal and professional development.
Job application support
Get job application support including cover letter advice and CV guides to secure your next role.
Employability events
NTU Employability events are open to all students and occur throughout the year, offering employer sessions, workshops, and careers fairs.
Work experience and job placements
Searching for a placement, graduate, or part-time role? Look no further, MyEmployability Job Search is here to help you find whatever the position or opportunity you’re looking for.
Employability awards
Make your experience at NTU count and boost your employability with the NTU Award.
  • Last updated: 18/04/2024